After waking up, Sophie finds herself in an eerie place and sets out to free tormented creatures and...Read more
A diverse gameplay combines several genres of “Match 3”, “Hidden object”, “Sim”, and var...Read more
In this great match-3 game you journey back to the time of the Greek gods and join Perseus on his ex...Read more
Discover Japanese culture in Spring by following the story of a young American journalist in search ...Read more
Restore the alliance between mortals and Elementals in The Lost Kingdom Prophecy, a mystical quest t...Read more
Help Adda and Ciro solve a mystery and restore a garden to its former beauty in Hello Venice, an ama...Read more
Stop the wicked schemes of an evil pharaoh before your city is annihilated in this heart-stopping ma...Read more
One of the most amazing stories in the history of mankind is presented once again in The Chronicles ...Read more
Rise up against robot troops that are crushing the kingdom you love in this thrilling match-three st...Read more