Hobbit Village was once a peaceful place, but tragedy struck when a hobbit named Sam found a magical...Read more
Challenging adventurous match-3 game! Help Jason find valuable artifacts and save his father!
Returning to her village from a hike, the Huntress finds it under a curse! Join the Huntress and bat...Read more
This exciting Match 3 adventure game takes you on a journey beyond the edge of the world. Join ancie...Read more
In this great match-3 game you journey back to the time of the Greek gods and join Perseus on his ex...Read more
Embark on a match-three adventure of breathtaking magic and boundless imagination! A girl embarks on...Read more
Join Seraphine in this amazing adventure to save the world from its doom in Lost Inca Prophecy 2: Th...Read more
Discover Japanese culture in Spring by following the story of a young American journalist in search ...Read more
Matchmension: House of Mist congratulates you as the lucky winner of a glorious mansion! Restore the...Read more